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Latest Political Views News

Truth V/S Hype: Modi Sarkar Is Snooping On All Indian Citizens…

Modi Sarkar is passing new laws to enter people's computers now? Quickly…

Darshan Mondkar Darshan Mondkar

Think the BJP was Routed in Hindi heartland? Read this and Think Again!

Even as the Congress Bhakts are cheering for their victory in the…

Darshan Mondkar Darshan Mondkar

Pulwama Killings: Stop Killing Our Own People

Pulwama Killings: If India considers Kashmir as a part of our country…

Darshan Mondkar Darshan Mondkar

The Rise of Congress: A Dream Turned Sour For Regional Satraps

REGIONAL SATRAPS, many of them pretenders to the Delhi throne, can stand…

Prem Chandran Prem Chandran

Devil Is In The Details: Team Modi’s Promise and Performances!

So, what difference Modi made to India after he came to office?…

Prem Chandran Prem Chandran

When Arvind Kejriwal Decided to Go on a “Personal Vaacation” out of India

So Arvind Kejriwal has decided to go on a "personal vacation" out…

Darshan Mondkar Darshan Mondkar

Steps to Plan a Successful Political Rally for the Political Parties

There are several steps to organizing a successful political rally. Some of…

Team NationalViews Team NationalViews

Bypolls and BJP’s Fall in South

THE SOUTH, as a whole, remains as a no-go area for the…

Prem Chandran Prem Chandran

A Muslim’s Take on Babri Masjid Dispute

Babri Masjid dispute: My silence on this topic was because I anticipated…

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