Practicing a music instrument is a lot like being in a romantic relationship. First, there is the passion and then there is infatuation. You fall in love with the instrument, you dream about it day and night, and the next thing you do is practice it all the time. Further, it starts to become a staple in your life. Your entire daily routine revolves around spending the time to get to your favorite music note practice.
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The hours seem to pass like minutes and it is all rainbows and butterflies.
However, after the honeymoon phase is over, staying motivated becomes more challenging. You still want to get better with your guitar or piano practice, but you seem to feel very bored, demotivated or not interested. You haven’t really lost your passion for instruments, but practice becomes more of a chore. What is the best way to keep the passion going? How to motivate yourself to do something that you’ve been practicing for years?

How to Keep the Passion and Motivation Going?
When you first learn how to practice piano, guitar, saxophone or any other music instrument, everything seems to be interesting and exciting. You might gladly sacrifice a lot of outings and social gatherings to spend some time with your new love. But after a while, you might start to struggle with staying inspired and encouraged to give your music practice the attention it deserves.
Setting Goals:
The first step that you should do as you learn how to motivate yourself to practice is to set a goal. Each session should have a specific goal that you wish to achieve by the end. This is more encouraging and stimulating than simply sticking to a certain time that you think you should spend working on your musical instrument. This is typically useful with 5 or 6-year-olds who tend to become bored and discouraged after spending a certain time amount of time to rehearse every day.
Once you have achieved your musical goal, you should reward yourself. Our brains react towards positive rewards and will associate the training session with some desirable positive outcome. This will push your brain to further engage in such a successful and emotionally rewarding behavior.
Find the Right Inspiration:
Identifying with your instrument is the only way to make it a crucial part of your being and aids in motivating yourself. You can even talk about it in an essay that you can present to your classmates at college or school. If you are not good at writing, you can always hire a special writing service to have it all done on your behalf. You can look at EssayVikings and receive the best paper written about your musical passion that is going to move hearts.
Music students, who simply look at their instrument as something that they don’t identify with, are most likely going to quit at some point in their lives. Your music should become a part of your being and of who you really are. Always treat your instrument with passion and love. Examine it and feel it. Your love and affection will show in your music.
Move Around:
If the musical instrument played by a music student is easy to move around then you will be able to effortlessly change location. Sometimes you can even rehearse in the outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and the view. However, you should always remember to tune your musical instrument as you alter your location.
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You might not be able to move your piano, but why not use a keyboard for your rehearsal session? Double-check that you keep all your supplies close, so that you don’t have to interrupt your exercise before it is over.
Work on Your Schedule:
You should stick to a special training schedule or timetable. This helps you to achieve your goals and reach the desired result.
However, your schedule should be there to inspire and not to bore you to death. Our brains negatively react towards restricting routines that need to be repeated day in day out no matter out.
Always leave some space for free practice which doesn’t involve following a special routine. Exercise your notes or something that you love that is not related to your upcoming performance. The timetable should also be flexible enough to give you the freedom to skip your training if you feel like it.
Your timetable should also have realistic goals. If you have an upcoming performance, it should give you enough room to rehearse every day without stressing you out. Leaving everything till the last minute is not logical and will leave you no room to learn from your mistakes and become more confident about your performance.
Avoid Disturbance:
In order to get in touch with various instruments, you need to disconnect yourself from the outside world. You should switch off your phone and choose a spot where you are not going to be disturbed.
Work on a sign that will let other people know that you are not to be interrupted or disturbed. It could be a sign on the door or a special signal. This is to help you be completely involved with your instrument until you are totally absorbed in the rehearsal. If you have no space available to train alone, you can always process your session along family and friends provided that they don’t interrupt you and stay calm and silent.

Change your Practice Style:
It is to deceive your mind and convince it that you are doing something new by simply changing the pace or speed. Find a reliable phone or online app that allows you to change your speed or tempo. This will make your routine more unique.
Change the octaves to create a new tone every time you decide to perform. You can also try the chaining method to help you create newer and more innovative notes.
Practicing with someone else opens the door to a new creative experience as you both improvise together. You can play with other musicians whether they play the same instrument or a different one. There are even some fun to use applications like Jamulus app where you get together with online musicians across the globe in international jam sessions. You can play music and ask a colleague to sing along.
Take Notes:
The first time you try a certain routine, you should play it all at one go. This is going to help you identify the most challenging spots. But this shouldn’t discourage you. In fact, it is the only way you could exercise these notes in isolation by giving them special attention and care.
When you are exercising, you should break your routine into several blocks. Verify that you master each one before moving onto the next one. Take notes of the easy and difficult blocks to help you identify the areas that require more focus. Start by taking it easy as this will help you get your muscles and mood ready for a longer and probably more challenging session. Dedicate a special time to each block. Move on to the next one whether you have mastered the previous one or not to avoid being discouraged.
Select Your Own Practice:
Work with your instructor to design a program that works for you. You can always choose to rehearse the pieces that you like. Our brains automatically find this more desirable, and you will be able to train for longer, and the whole process is to become more enjoyable and easier. You can always go online to find various music sheets that you can download for later. Alternate between what you must do and what you enjoy to do for best results.
Get creative and craft your melodies. If you find a special piece to be very challenging or hard, you can alternate between cords until it becomes easier and more fun to practice.
Talk to People You Trust:
Practicing and talking with others is very beneficial. Talk to your instructor or fellow performers about the difficulties you face. This is going to help you find the best tips to overcome problems and challenges. By sharing experiences, you are going to be able to talk about your fears and the hardships that you have to deal with.
Ask your friends and family members about the most people that they find talented and inspiring. Search online to watch their performances or even attend a live concert. Seeing such performers playing their music will help you take your rehearsal up a notch.
Trust the Audience:
Invite some of your trusted family members and friends to attend a special recital especially if you have an upcoming event approaching. On one side, they are in for a treat with a special concert held especially for them. For you, it is an excellent chance to attempt playing in front of a live, supportive audience.
There are days where you don’t want to get it going with your music, don’t even feel like lifting a finger. Everybody passes through this. However, you can always overcome such a phase using the previous steps.