Tag: Business

Indian Customer Culture of 2016:Opportunities and Changing Dimensions

Check out how Indian businessmen and owners are changing dimensions with changing…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

The New Development Impact Model of Edujobs Academy Pvt.Ltd. In the field of CSR

Due to paradigm shift in the Indian economy,many companies are thinking CSR…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

Stupidity is the New Smart in Indian Workplace: Rise and Fall of Indian Entrepreneurship

Innovations are just a myth in Indian workplace. There is a proverb…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

You are Losing Money by Not Using These 10 Trends of 2016!

In the hegemony of MNCs and/or foreign players, check out these ten…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

New Rules of Friendship! How to Handle Fair-Weather Friends

Friendship - A fair weather friend can waste your valuable time. Here…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

English Vinglish is Back Again – OMG! The Best English Ever!

You can just imagine the world without English. It has become a…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

The Future of Bollywood Synergy is Here-Revealed by Experts, Debated by Mass and Class

Marketing is the time-tested strategy of Hindi film industry. Check out various…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

The Prodigy of Modern Customer Orientation – What Management Pundits Speak

Modern Customer Orientation: Is there any rocket science to pacify an irate…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

Challenges, Opportunities, Way ahead: Indian Medical Tourism 2016

Although its contribution to GDP is not that remarkable in 2016, Medical…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath

24×7 Laws in Retail Sector – India Needs to think Smarter

24x7 laws will be implemented in Retail Market in India as per…

Sanmay Rath Sanmay Rath