Personal Loan Demand Spikes Amid Economic Slowdown
Even as the Indian economy is witnessing an economic slowdown, there has…
5 Ways How to be a Covidient – Simple and Easy Steps & Tips!
It's high time we stop being covidiots and become covidients. Here are…
Who are Covidiots or COVIDIDIOTS? Covidients? What Do They Do?
Amidst the Coronavirus threat, know the meaning of Covidients and their opposites…
Losing the Plot: COVIDIOTS, Janta Curfew and Shaheen Bagh Protests!
Satire Alert: Losing the Plot completely in India amidst the coronovirus scare,…
My Money in Yes Bank is supposed to be Quarantined?
Here's a poem on Yes bank crisis by a concerned Indian citizen…
Indian citizenship has now been reduced to ‘us’ versus ‘them’
Together CAA & NRC mean that Muslims & others who cannot provide…
Screened for Cervical Cancer, 30 Lakh Women get PMJAY Benefit
PMJAY Benefit: 30 lakh women have been screened for cervical cancer nationwide…
Government Allocation of Funds to the PMJAY Scheme Revised
According to the revised Budget, the PMJAY scheme has been allocated INR…
India 2020: My Dear Indian Muslim Friends…
Here's a heartfelt letter to every aam Indian Muslim post Delhi elections…
Are you in Danger of catching the Coronavirus? 5 Questions Answered
As the Chinese government tries to contain the coronavirus, other cases have…