They were protesting for their Right to Life, but even as they marched towards the uniformed men, a voice shouted, “FIRE”.

The surprised Indians were taken aback as their own fellowmen lifted automatic weapons against them and rained showers of bullets on them.
Confused and scared they ran around, but many got trapped in the stampede and succumbed to the hail of bullets being fired at them.
This incident happened in 1919 and we have all come to know of it as the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
The Thoothukudi (Tuticorin) massacre (yes I cant call it anything other than that) somehow ended up reminding me of the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
More than 11 people have died…. no let me rephrase that….. More than 11 people have been SHOT TO DEATH by the Tamil Nadu Police using automatic weapons.
The Tamil Nadu Police was protecting the rights of privacy of Vedanta Group, a London based company who is not new to such killings and controversies (refer Chattisgarh, Odisha, Zambia, etc).
While I am not sure whether the protests were peaceful or aggressive, I do question the need for the cops to resort to shooting Indian citizens to death.
While I do understand that the Police have to follow orders, I do question the morality of those Policemen who willingly followed the orders when they knew it would result in the death of their own brethren.
And while I do support the need to develop the country, I can’t help but wonder if this mansion of development is going to be built on the dead bodies of innocent citizens.
The Tuticorin people have been protesting for the last 100 days at this savage rape of the environment that the Anil Agarwal led Vedanta group has been involved in.
And it takes 11 dead people for the Media to finally take cognizance of this.
Are we going to stand and watch our own people being killed mercilessly at the cost of this development?
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Do you really want this development, where the rich grow richer and the poor lie in a heap of blood and mayhem?
Are the crony capitalists going to be allowed to do what they please even if it means using the Police to shoot down people to achieve their Profit Goals?
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The message from this incident is quite clear.
Its a simple question asked to the common people of India, “We are going to shoot you and kill you and do whatever we want to, so that we earn more money…. What the f… are you going to do? Tum Kya Ukhaad Loge”
Disclaimer: When the tree of development is planted on the dead bodies of innocents, the fruits from that tree end up poisoning entire generations….
The post was first published by Darshan Mondkar on his Facebook timeline.