Chennai is the capital city of Tamil Nadu. It is known as the biggest economic center down south. It has a wide industrial base in various sectors like technology, healthcare, automobile, hardware manufacturing, and computers. This fast technological growth in the industrial sector makes the city a feasible option for spotting exciting job opportunities. One of these opportunities includes the teacher jobs in Chennai.
There is an exponential growth in edtech that has led to the emergence of several online teaching jobs. With the convenience of working from home, you can choose one of these online part-time jobs in Chennai. These online teaching jobs are a perfect choice for stay at home mothers, students, and anyone who wants to earn some extra income. Like any other job, these online teaching jobs have their unique benefits and challenges.
If you are planning to start an online teaching job, here are a few things you need to consider:
- Energy and time between your daily routine: To pursue online teaching, you need time and energy. Having clarity on this will enable you to start your online teaching without any difficulties regarding time management.
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- Interest in learning new teaching methods: Online teaching involves learning innovative methods to teach. It is quite crucial to understand how to use these techniques to retain students’ interest. Learning a new teaching approach requires interest and willingness.
- Ease of working with technology: As an online teacher, you need to work on websites, apps, devices, software, and technological gear comfortably. Working with technology is a part of this evolved teaching process.
- Planning and preparation: Online teaching requires more preparation and preparation than traditional classroom teaching as it involves delivering lectures to students through an online medium without much interaction.
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These are important things to consider before starting an online part-time job in Chennai. Let’s learn more about online teaching jobs!
Scope of Online Teaching Jobs
Most online teaching jobs require professionals with specific education and degrees or certificates. As an online teacher, your basic responsibilities include preparing courses, lesson plans, teaching your students, and evaluating their assessments and homework.
There are a wide variety of technologies and formats for online teaching, but here are certain basics that remain fairly constant:
- Lessons are delivered either in the form of pre-recorded video or through live webinars.
- Additional study material like worksheets, games, assignments, and other educational content is stipulated according to a comprehensive curriculum.
- The scope of online teaching often includes facilitating group discussions and quizzes between students through various platforms like group chats, skype, or email groups.
- An online teacher must be available through web-based communications tools or emails to clarify students’ doubts post-class.
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Perks of Online Teaching
There are various benefits of teaching online, like job flexibility, personal growth, work-life balance, and more. Online teaching provides a work-life balance as it enables you to work from your home’s comfort that saves lots of effort and traveling time. You can easily give time to your kids, studies, family and also raise some additional income for your family.
Most online teaching jobs allow you to conveniently plan your work. You have the flexibility to do your work anywhere within a reasonable time frame. You can choose the subject and grade you want to teach.
With some online teaching jobs, you get the opportunity to teach students from different parts of the country and even the globe. The online teacher community is growing, and there are various teacher forums and groups that appreciate and facilitate good work.
Many teachers who progress in this field get recognition and mentorship to become the leaders in their fields. All this might not have been possible without technology.
Challenges of Online Teaching
Along with many benefits, there are few challenges that an online teacher has to face, like connecting to your students and engaging them to keep their interest in learning. Carefully preparing for your lectures also helps in the right interactions between students and teachers.
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Not all your students will be experienced in the online teaching environment. An online teacher has to prepare their students to learn online. Poor results may occur if online teachers fail to plan and provide clear guidance to their students to succeed.