You are going to start job hunting and have natural questions: what steps should I take to apply for a job, and how long does this process take? We’ve prepared a step-by-step list so that you feel confident and literate while applying and, hopefully, get your dream job offer!

Steps You Should Take
Before Applying for a Job
Yes, you should take a little bit of time and check or get ready for the following things. It won’t take you long, 1-3 days or even less. But they are crucial for successful completion of the applying process.
- Research on the companies. Hopefully, you’ve already decided what job or position you would like to have. We recommend you to study companies, their policy, corporate culture, values, requirements for staff members, etc. This way you’ll define if you like to work for a particular company. And, of course, demonstration of your knowledge and interest in the company will benefit you during the interview.
- Resume. This is a particularly important part of your preparation. Make sure your resume is clear, contains full current information about your skills, qualifications, experience, your positive characteristics. It’s great if the resume is digital-friendly, contains keywords. It must be up-to-date, then it’ll definitely catch the eye of an HR manager.
- Cover letter. This one-page document lets an HR manager have a closer look at you. So, make sure you’ve described your skill set extensively, it is necessary to emphasize why it matches the needs of the company. In the cover letter, you must summarize why you are the perfect fit for a particular role. However, it has to be short and informative. Check if a cover letter is needed, sometimes companies don’t require it.
- References. You should attach references to your resume and cover letter. So, it’s a good idea to talk beforehand to 3-5 people, who can provide you with references. They may be your former employer, supervisor, colleagues or teachers.
- Social profile. Of course, it is not a document which you send to your employer. But make sure that your pages in social networks don’t contain any unwanted information. They must be updated with the necessary data which you’d like an HR manager to see.
- When all your papers are ready, don’t submit them to the employer immediately. Ask your family members or friends to review them and give their opinion. This way, you’ll have no doubts that your documents are OK.
- Now, you see that the preparatory stage is not that time-consuming, but it’s certainly important and will pay off.
Application Process
You’ve already done all the steps mentioned above, so it’s time to apply for a job! You can bring your documents to the company and hand them personally to an HR manager or employer. Contact them in advance to make an appointment. Also, you can fill in the application form online and attach your resume and cover letter. Some companies require entering all information from your documents manually. It’s time-consuming, but you have to do it. Another way is to mail your papers. Squeeze some information about yourself and your aim into an email. This way you’ll catch an eye of the HR manager. But there is the easiest way to represent yourself to lots of employers. You should just upload your resume to job sites like With the help of these job portals, you can definitely find an appropriate job that which fits your need.
As you can see this step doesn’t require much time – it’s just about from an hour to a day.
How Long Does It Take to
Get a Job Offer?
You did your best, applied for a position, and now you just have to wait for an invitation to the interview. If you receive it in a short time – you’re lucky. But supposedly, you’ll have to wait for some time. It doesn’t depend on you! Hiring managers deal with a huge amount of resumes and have to choose from dozens of candidates. You might get through several stages of an interview (a conversation with an HR manager on the phone, a face-to-face meeting, and the final interview). But if you don’t get the reply in a week’s time, you should contact the hiring manager and ask about the status of your application.
This is the most time-consuming and nerve-wracking phase. It can take up to a month.
Buy remeron no prescriptionDon’t just wait for a job offer from a certain company even if you think you are the best match. To ease frustration or tense, keep on seeking for a position, surf the job sites.
Buy paxil no prescriptionAs you can see, an applying process takes from a week to a month or a bit longer. So, be patient, move ahead with your professional development and maintain a positive outlook!