Social Media can be quite a humbling experience.
Before taking up the Kerala Donation Challenge (#KeralaDonationChallenge), I was not sure what I was getting into.

I am not someone who goes for these Challenges that keep floating around the social media. But this one was different. It was not as if I had to throw a bucket full of ice over myself or make a video of me running around a garden and calling it yoga, or jump out of a moving car and start dancing on the crowded roads of Mumbai.
This was about spreading awareness and getting more people to donate for the relief cause of Kerala.
This was about helping a good cause without making a complete fool of myself.
And this was not about “Getting Publicity” either.
You had to COPY and PASTE the challenge on YOUR timelines and tag your friends on YOUR post.
Its a different thing that people misunderstood it and started tagging their friends on my timeline, much to the anxiety of some of my friends who thought I would go bankrupt….confession: had me worried too
I was not sure what sort of a response I would receive, but I must say that the response has been overwhelming. And NO, I dont mean the number of likes.
I got numerous messages from people asking me the details of where they can donate the amount, some people wanted to transfer money to my account so that I didn’t have to bear the entire brunt of the challenge I had taken up. When I told them to donate to the CMDRF instead, they refused and insisted that the donation went through me.
Many people posted the Challenge on their own timelines and I am sure they will be soon doing their bit too.
This response filled with love from relative strangers for people whom they have never met and will probably never meet either is very touching.
It showed me that I am nothing but a small speck in this vast universe who can accomplish little by myself, but with the support of numerous others like you guys, a lot can be achieved.
Today, I stand humbled in the front of you, with my hands folded, thanking each and every one of you to have contributed and supported for this cause.
If it wasn’t for people like you, who come forward to help others purely for the sake of humanity, India, a country which thrived on its unity in diversity, would not have existed.
If we can all get together, forgetting our differences and working towards the upliftment of those in distress, soon we wont have as many people in distress.
Your kindness and your love will be the only saving grace for our India.
I have made the donation to the Chief Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund. I know its a few hours before the Kerala Donation Challenge is supposed to end, but I have donated sufficient amount to cover whatever notional likes my post might get in those balance hours including the amounts which were sent to my account by some friends.
#IStandWithKerala #DonateForKerala
This post was first published by Darshan Mondkar on his Facebook Timeline.
Disclaimer: To all those friends of mine who were worried about me going bankrupt because of this challenge, stop worrying, I am safe, though for the next few months, I might have to cut down on my extracurricular weekend activities…. which means no daru, no party, unless you invite me
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