We all have more time on our hands now than we ever had before. For some, it is easy to mix up daily routine between working from home, doing household chores, taking time for self-care and learning to hone a new skill. But for many of us, this extra self-isolation time can bring on negative self-reflection and so as to distract ourselves, we would rescue ourselves to binge watch tv and movies.
Now, there is nothing wrong with sitting down to watch a movie or catch up on the new ‘got to watch’ web series, but there are other activities that you can do by engaging your brain. Here are some suggestions.
Learn a new language during Self-isolation
If learning a new language is something that you have always fancied doing but never had the spare time to dedicate to it, there’s no reason to not give it a go now. It doesn’t even have to cost you anything, there are free apps available such as Duolingo that offer a range of languages from French and Spanish to Japanese and even Scottish Gaelic. Just think how smug you’ll feel when you’re ordering your next Tapas without stumbling over the pronunciation of Albóndigas!

Build a scale model
If you are looking for an activity that you can do either on your own or with a loved one, why not give scale model building a go. It’s a great bonding experience and what’s better is that the progress is very rewarding, giving you a great sense of achievement. Whether you fancy building a model ship, car or plane, ModelSpace have an excellent range for you to choose from.

Learn an instrument
If, like me, you have always been slightly envious of those who are musical and vowed to learn to play that ‘guitar’ that you picked up ten years ago, then why not while away the evening strumming away. There are a vast number of tutorials online for you to choose from. So, put the phone down and get playing. You’ll be playing your favourite songs in no time.

Get Creative
You can get creative in many different ways. For some, that might mean writing a short story or a series of short stories for that matter. For others, it could mean getting out the easel and water colours or dusting off the crafting box. Whatever gets your creative juices flowing, an activity that can give you a sense of pride afterwards is better than lounging on the sofa.

Bring Back the Board Games
In most households, you will find a dusty box of monopoly, a weathered box of scrabble or an old checkers board lying around. These types of games have been a little overlooked of late with families favouring their gadgets over getting together for game night. But by blowing off the cobwebs on these types of games, families can once again come together for some engaging fun that gives everyone a break from their screens for a while during this time of self-distancing and self-isolation.