Finding a therapist has currently become a challenge. Where do you start? You may not have friends or family members that have been in therapy sessions, so they can’t help you in your search for a therapist. Moreover, most people prefer not to talk about their search for a therapist because of the stigma that comes along with it; they prefer keeping it private. So, who can you really turn to?

The local community health center can perhaps be your next option…until you realize that you have to book your first appointment several weeks in advance. Good luck dealing with an endless waiting list. So, again, what can you do?
Fortunately, we have this beautiful thing called the internet. There are many places that have licensed therapists listed by location. This is especially good for people living in rural areas and small towns, as they generally have trouble finding therapists.
As you can see, finding local therapists is a daunting task. So, aside from looking at internet directories who list licensed counselors, here are some tips to help you find a local therapist near you:
Ask A Friend Or Doctor For A Referral of a Local Therapist
When you realize that you are not finding what you want, but there is a family doctor you trust, you can ask him/her for a referral to get you to the best therapist for you. Many of these doctors have referral lists as doctors are usually connected to one another.
Consider The Community Mental Health Centers
When you don’t find a therapist, and you need one in your area, the best option is to visit a community mental health center. Yes, we realized that we said that there can be a long waiting list. But, what’s the alternative? Not getting help? No, that shouldn’t be an option. You need help, and you should get it, even if that means waiting a little while.
Moreover, a health center is a government-subsidized facility, and therefore it offers therapies at a lower rate than most private practitioners. You can locate local health centers easily.
Investigating The Universities In Your Area
In some universities, they have departments that offer therapy sessions to the community at a low rate. They have programs that can place their patients together with the students training for their lessons. This may not seem like such a great option, but interns won’t be alone when providing therapy to you. They are usually paired with a licensed psychologist, so you have nothing to worry about.
Looking For Specific Situation Resources
If you have been assaulted or abused, several organizations could help you find a therapy provider near you, and also find one with a reduced cost. For example, if you have been struggling with drug addiction, they can help you find a treatment facility near you.
Help From a Family Member Or Friend
Most people will prefer to have private therapy sessions. For others though, it becomes tough for them to manage on their own. They become overwhelmed and ultimately they start getting away from the idea of therapy. If you are this type of person, you will need a trustworthy family member or friend to help you find a therapist. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. That’s what friends and family are for.
If you are looking for professional help and reading this article after almost wondering “How can I find a therapist near me”, the good news is that you are ready for the first step in improving your health, and this is a wonderful thing. There are many people who can’t get past this first step.