Technology has dramatically improved the lives of scores of people across the globe. With technology, it is now possible to carry out a plethora of tasks and share the content with people from any part of the world.
Indeed, it has transformed the world into a global village. One of the many wonders that technology has brought with it is the ability to download content from the internet. However, many are the times when you are streaming video is rudely interrupted by unwarranted power outage or Wi-Fi downtime.
Such occurrences form a fertile ground to find another platform where you can download, watch and listen the content when offline. Here is how can seamlessly help you download content from multiple websites and watch them later when offline.

1. Enhances the Ability to Host and Share
YouTube has emerged as the undisputed platform to host and share video content in the modern age. Indeed, it has managed to take the coveted position of the third most popular website in the globe a result of its convenience and ease of use.
Despite its functionality, it’s unfortunate that a simple matter such as downloading a video for free on the platform is an uphill task.
For those reasons, has emerged as an alternative that makes it easy for you to download content from YouTube when you’re offline. You can download the videos in various formats; full HD quality, HD, SQ, mp4, and mp3.
2. Easy to Download YouTube Videos in MP3
and MP4 Format
Downloading YouTube videos in MP3 and MP4 format is possible by using Savefrom Downloader. A download button will pop up once you’ve installed the download app on our pc or mac.

Here is a detailed procedure that you can use to download YouTube Content:
i. Click the ‘Download’ button that will
enable you save the video. Subsequently, you can choose the format in which you
desire to download your video. They include 3GP, WEBM, MP4, and MP3.
ii. Click on the gray arrow that appears on the right of the
download button to enable you to choose your file format.
iii. The download will take place shortly. This is supported
by browsers such as Firefox, Chrome as well as other browsers.
3. Easy to Save Videos on YouTube without
an Add-on
If you’re adamant about incorporating an add-o on your browser, you can easily download YouTube videos using a simplified means. Here’s how you can use this online video downloader tool to accomplish your task:
i. Add “ss” to the video URL to begin
ii. The download will be finished after a short time.
Indeed, a vast majority of people who have used the services offered by have confessed of their superior capabilities.
4. Ability to Watch Videos without
Internet Connection
You can watch or listen to podcasts, free lectures and tutorials while on the go. Regardless of whether there’s an internet connection, you can conveniently watch any video while in the car, office or while in transit.
5. Helps Parents Planning to go on a Long
Parents can effectively use the improved features to download videos for their children whenever they’re planning for a long voyage. This saves you the cost and agony of streaming the videos online.
6. Helps People to Conduct Investigative
As a journalist, student, or a video blogger, there are many instances about when you do not have access to the internet due to Wi-Fi downtime. But you need to work on a compelling story. comes to your aid under such circumstances. You can now work offline by using the service for investigation and research. Moreover, you can also use it to carry out a full review of an event, edit and send the final copy to your supervisor.
7. Ability to Recover Lost Videos Online
Most importantly, you can recover any video that was lost online using the service. There are instances when captured a thrilling video and uploaded it on social media, only for you to lose the original copy later on. The good news is that you can own access your original video by downloading it online.
Bottom Line
Downloading videos from websites like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have now been made possible by Take advantage of this disruptive technology and join millions of tech-geeks who are already using the platform.