Shared living can be a first-time experience for many students when they get admissions into the university hostels or in any private rental accommodation. Although it is a great way to socialize, for many students living with strangers in student rooms can be daunting until they become friends. No matter what your initial fears and doubts are, shared living has gone on to become the most rewarding experience of students that they cherish in latter stages of life. Haven’t you heard those stories from famous entrepreneurs and politicians across the world. Undoubtedly, it is the best way to find a family while staying away from family.
Here we share some of the tips that students can utilize very to survive and thrive the shared living space in their student life:
Formulating the Rules:
Inviting loud guests and late-night banging on the doors in-studio and en-suite can create a lot of unnecessary friction between roommates and/or housemates. So, to avoid these needless misunderstandings, specific rules must be framed from day 1 so that everyone is on the same page and follow the rules sincerely.
Contribution of bills must be well stated and so must be the cleaning rules. Also, labelled items in the refrigerator should not be strictly used by anybody else. In addition to this, keeping the doors and windows locked when nobody is in the house, bathroom/toilet as well as privacy rules should be made. These are some of the most important things to be discussed/made at the very start to live a happy and healthy shared student life.
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Splitting the Duties of Cleaning:
Cleaning is that sluggish activity which leads to a lot of arguments and even fights between individuals especially those who are living together. So, students must ensure that they themselves are responsible for their mess. Besides, the common cleaning and dusting job should be divided so that everybody participates equally. This will make or break your bond.
Sharing is Caring
In shared apartments, the most common dispute amongst all the students is that of ‘bathroom’. Showers can be another point of conflict especially if two people have ‘lectures’ and ‘classes’ at same times. One has to understand each other’s routine and habit so as to avoid any such conflicts.
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Another area of conflict can be the common areas of shared en-suite such as kitchen, garden, living rooms as these are nobody’s sole area so one has to utilize the space with responsibility. Another major point of skirmish can be the ‘bills’ so make sure that there is proper and fair distribution throughout the tenancy of each of the bill.
Choosing the Right Housemates
The best housemates in student life is either those who are doing the same course or the same degree as you or those with whom there are common interests and/or similarity. With these people it is always fun and games. During my college life, I personally preferred staying with a senior doing the same course. It not only helped me with the notes, their guidance in the subject, but also in having fun as they generally have the list of the best and worst of everything including restaurants, mess etc.
Student life is indeed fun and games if you housemates you are not only responsible, studious but also give importance to fun, games and entertainment.
Have Each Other’s Back
To live a happy and joyful college life it is indeed necessary that you have each other’s back. In case any of the roommates is suffering from any health-related disease then it is imperative that you take proper care of him/her. Besides, if a roommate is studying for his/her exams one shouldn’t make noise and/or incite them into unnecessary talks. Also, proper time intervals should be set so as to enjoy as a group while cooking for each other (which will also help in saving a lot of money). The most important thing here is that one should respect each other’s personal space.
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These are some of the important real and practical tips to survive shared living as a student. Tell us your tips and/or experience of student life and shared space stories.