A new girl named Monica has been introduced in the serial Naamkaran who will now act as the fourth person in the ongoing plot besides Avni, Neil and Vidyut. She has a thing for Neil and so Vidyut has cracked a deal with her, following which she is on a task to separate Avni and Neil forever. Will she be successful?
Naamkaran Updates: Monica is on a Mission to Keep Avni Away from Neil
Now that Vidyut wants Avni, and Monica wants Neil, the girl has tied up with Vidyut to ensure she keeps the two away from each other. This is the reason why she is even talking about betrayal from love in front of Avni so that she keeps her hatred for Neil alive.
Monica will ensure that she follows the order of Vidyut and leave no chance to increase Avni’s misunderstandings towards Neil. She will also hinder all of Avni’s plans to escape from jail on Vidyut’s order – making Avni hate Neil all the more.
But Avni Already Knows that Neil Is Neo
Avni has a hint that Neil has been playing the role of Neo to destroy Vidyut and for this he has been going against the laws. Now Avni knows very well that Neil is not somebody who can break the law for nothing.
She knows he is hiding something from her. Though she is confused now, we are sure she will slowly now and even realize why Neil is doing what he is doing.
So, although Monica is quite confident that she will be successful in drifting Avni and Neil apart from each other, we doubt whether she will be successful in her mission. No wonder, Avni is not somebody who can be fooled easily and neither is Neil.
Also Read: Naamkaran: Will Avni Know Why Neil has Arrested Her?